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Good and Healthy Habits for Healthy Body

  Our body needs special care from us because our body is engaged in many different jobs at the same time. As we all know, our body has different parts and organs to function and work. Let’s take an example if we are at office or job, our body works physically and mental both. Same like this, our body is busy at the same time with many different jobs. This is why it’s important to take care of our health.   Most of the studies show that, In the 20th century, people are very busy with their work and like either it is a job, family, career or anything else. They can’t take care of their health and one of the most important factors is the bad habits adopt by the people. There are few Bad habits that people should avoid to live a healthy life: 8 hours of Sleep - Sleeping plays an important role for a healthy lifestyle. According to many studies, it is confirmed from many different doctors and organizations that if we don’t complete 8 hours of sleep per day, it started affecting o...

Kiwi: Why it is Good For Health

Several fruits help our body to be healthy and work properly. As we all know, Fruits are highly nutritious food and are a great source of intake of nutrients naturally. Our body has many different organs and parts that work differently from each other and have an important role to work properly. 

Our Body system needs different nutrients so that they act and perform well. Fruits are something from where we can get all the nutrients that are necessary for our body. In fruits, Kiwi is one of the best foods that help us to provide nutrients in our body. Kiwi is a berry that grows in a woody, twining vine, it is also known as Chinese Gooseberry. Kiwi is an excellent source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Folate, Vitamin E, Vitamin K. It has also been found that kiwi is a good source of minerals like phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium, etc. 

Benefits of consuming Kiwi for our healthy body:

  • Helps in Reducing Ashtama

According to the study, Kiwi is highly rich in antioxidants and vitamin C that helps us to reduce the risk of asthma. By consuming kiwi, it helps our lungs to improve and function well. 

  • Boosting Immunity

As kiwi contains vitamins and minerals that help our immune system to boost and fight with many infections and diseases. Kiwi helps our body to fight and protect with various kinds of infections like cold, flu, and other upper respiratory tract infections. 

  • Lowering the blood clotting 

Kiwi is the best fruit that heals and helps our body to reduce blood clotting. Increasing the intake of kiwi will provide important nutrients that reduce the platelet aggression response in our body which causes blood clotting.

  • Improves Heart health

People have been facing heart problems for many years. Kiwi contains polyphenols, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium that promotes a good heart. There are other fruits also which help your body to maintain a good heart. Fruit box delivery is increasing day by day just to maintain a healthy life. 

Intake of kiwi daily will help you to get rid of many other diseases and will keep your health good.

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